
Did you know that GRATITUDE is one of the key ingredients in attracting ABUNDANCE in your life?

How effective is keeping a gratitude journal in shifting your state of mind or overall well-being? Hopefully a little at least.  But maybe you, like others, didn’t see the results you were hoping for, or the habit fell off your long to-do list. 

Writing down what we appreciate in our lives is an important first step, but we need to go further before we truly experience the results touted by gratitude research. And there is most definitely research that shows it is effective.

Why? Because gratitude isn’t a thought or an idea, it’s a feeling. And feelings live in our bodies. This is the essence of Embodied Gratitude. 

It is truly a magical resource and can change so much of how we feel, our intimate relationships, and the world around us.

So much of our environment (& thinking) is negative and fear-inducing.

With the brain’s bias to negativity for survival, the intake of media, traumatizing videos and content, and the world in such a state of uncertainty, it’s hard to see the good, the kindness or feel much gratitude. 

And although we need to be aware of the troubles and issues in our world and life, we also must embrace the positive. This is a fuller world view: a balanced perspective. 

To do this we need to: notice it, take it in, hold on to it, feel it, and embody it. 

Neuroscience tells us that this is the only way to build new neural pathways – to create sustainable change in our lives. 

The wise mind is a balanced, discerning mind that takes into account our logical/intellectual mind AND our emotional mind. It is the balance of the heart and head. This is where the magic lives. It is where we are most at peace; living most authentically. 

WE DON'T HAVE TO LIVE WITH SO MUCH FEAR & NEGATIVITY. We have the power to make different choices in our life.

Acknowledging the good you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.

Eckhart Tolle


Elevate Your Well-Being


Embracing the Spring Awakening