Meditation practice

As we find ourselves at the crossroads of winter's embrace and the gentle whisperings of impending spring, we again explore the rich tapestry of life's cycles. Imbolc takes center stage—a celebration that encapsulates the delicate dance between darkness and light, signalling the gradual awakening of the world around us.

Imbolc, occurring around February 1st, marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. In this season, the Earth begins to stir beneath its snowy blanket, offering subtle hints of renewal. It is a moment when we, too, can feel a shift—noticeable in the increasing daylight and the promise of warmer days ahead.

Our focus this month is on hope—an ever-present force that acts as a guiding light through life's twists and turns. Hope is the silent companion that encourages us to envision a brighter future, even in the midst of challenging moments. It is a beacon that illuminates our path, reminding us that, like nature itself, we are constantly in a state of transformation.

In times of uncertainty, hope becomes our anchor. It is the unwavering belief that, just as Imbolc marks the turning point towards spring, we, too, can navigate our way through the seasons of our lives. As we explore the significance of hope, let us reflect on its role as a catalyst for resilience and its ability to fuel the spirit, providing warmth and light in the coldest of moments.

It is with this spirit of interconnectedness that we turn to the wisdom of Shantideva prayer. It invites us to contemplate the power of compassion and altruism—a timely theme as we navigate the turning point. In moments of darkness and uncertainty, hope becomes not just a personal beacon but a shared light that radiates through the tapestry of our interconnected lives. The prayer, with its emphasis on altruistic intention, resonates with the very essence of Imbolc—a time of noticing the subtle signs of rebirth and anticipating the blossoming of life.

During February, we will gather live weekly to receive and reflect upon this prayer. Join us for this process. Whether you join us live or not, you will receive all you need in your inbox.

Whether you choose to immerse yourself through the convenience of audio and video formats at your own pace or prefer the collective energy of our weekly group practice, this series is crafted for you. Each session is a unique opportunity to reconnect with your inner self and embrace the power of hope and compassion in your life.


Full Moon Yoga Nidra Practice: Sacred Service


Death As Teacher