Full Moon YOga Nidra Practice

Join us for Rest

I extend a heartfelt invitation to our monthly Full Moon Yoga Nidra class, a journey that dances with the energies of the cosmos. Each month, our practice unfolds like a cosmic tapestry, guided by the ever-shifting influence of the zodiac while we find rest and connect to our inner realms of consciousness.

Each month’s Full Moon Yoga Nidra is an opportunity to attune ourselves to the energy of the zodiac, weaving its wisdom into the fabric of our intentions and reflections.

In the embrace of Yoga Nidra, we find rest, stillness, and an opportunity to dive into the rich tapestry of our inner realms. The gentle guidance of the zodiac serves as our compass, directing us towards the heart of our intentions and reflections.

May each Full Moon Yoga Nidra be a luminous thread in your cosmic journey—a journey of self-discovery, intention-setting, and the profound rest that only yogic sleep can offer.